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Mission Statement

The mission of 1DueNorth is to:

Inspire the Leader inside of you. Motivate the future Champion within you. And, to introduce and promote, to the world, the Leader you are.

Our Story

Rick Terry & 1DueNorth On THE MOVE

Rick Terry, President and CEO of 1DueNorth, is a U.S. Army Veteran and a former U.S. Army Drill Instructor, who epitomizes the 11 Military Principles of Leadership. Using these time-honored principles, Rick has navigated a successful career in leadership and coaching , which includes 14+ years of experience leading corporate sales teams for two Fortune 500 companies.

1DueNorth provides the tools to move you to new professional and personal heights. We work with individuals and groups to create a strategic plan that will lead to success utilizing: One-on-One Coaching Sessions, Workshops and Mentoring, as well as Motivational Speaking. To began charting and navigating your road to success contact to schedule your free, no obligation one hour consultation.


of 1DueNorth,

And I Am Your Coach.

An Idea is Born

As a member of the United States Armed Forces, I experienced cross training in multiple areas that included the United States Army Drill Sergeant School, the United States Army Noncommissioned Officer's Course, the United States Army Leadership Course and a host of other schools that afforded me opportunities to develop and implement my leadership capabilities.

1DueNorth was born from these

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  • Know yourself and seek self-improvement

  • Be tactically and technically proficient

  • Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions

  • Set the example

  • Know your people and look out for their welfare

  • Keep your people informed

  • Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished

  • Develop a sense of responsibility among your people

  • Train your people as a team

  • Make sound and timely decisions

  • Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities

Leadership is not what you say it's what you do.

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Success Coach Ricky Terry's                  

Fearlessly Focus To Finish virtual conference.

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